martes, 5 de mayo de 2015



I usually get up at half past seven, and then I get dressed. At 8 o'clock, I have breakfast . At quarter past eight, I go to get the bycicle and go to school. We arrive at school at quarter to nine. School starts at nine o'clock. I do 2 lessons, I go to the playground and I have the second breakfast. I have 2 lessons more, and later I have lunch in my  house at two o'clock. I return to school at 3 o'clock.


On Mondays, after school I eat a sandwich, and I go to kayak. Later, when I finish kayak, I have a shower, and I do my homework. During the dinner, I see the news on the TV.

On Tuesdays, after school I eat an apple, and I go to my French class. Later, when I finish French, I have a shower, and I do my homework. During the dinner I see the news on the TV.

On Wednesdays, after school I eat lunch, I have a shower, and I take the bus to Girona, because I do music classes there. When I finish piano, I eat something and I do my homework. Later I have music class.When I finish music class, I go home,and I have dinner.

On Tuesdays, after school I haven´t got any extra activities, so I eat a sandwich, and I do my homework, later I have a shower. During the dinner I see the news on the TV.

On Fridays, after school I eat lunch, and I go to kayak. Later, when I finish kayak, I have a shower, and then I meet my friends. When I arrive at home, I do my homework and I have dinner. Later I go to guitar with my friends.


On Saturday mornings, I go kayak¡ng. Then I swim in the lake with my friends. I have lunch at one o'clock, and later when I finish lunch I finish my homwork. In the afternoon I meet my friends. I have dinner at half past nine, and I watch TV. 
On Sunday mornings, I go to the lake and I do sport. When I arrive at home I have a shower, and then I have lunch. In the afternoon, I do something speciall like going to the cinema or to the bowling. I have dinner at nine o'clock.

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